Discussion topic Productivity

Your secret weapon on the IT battlefield

Whether you’re the lone tech guru in a small start-up or a part of the sprawling IT landscape in a multinational, you’ll agree that we’re constantly in the trenches, solving problems and quelling IT uprisings.

But, ever thought how much easier it would be if we didn’t have to reinvent the wheel every time? That’s where knowledge management enters the scene.

We often stumble upon the same issues, and without an efficient knowledge management system, we’re forced to solve them from scratch, like a hapless mouse stuck in a maze, repeatedly trying to find the exit. How about that pesky printing issue Mary from Marketing had? John from HR faced the same thing just last week. But, in the absence of shared knowledge, Mary’s solution took two hours, which could have been just a few minutes if somebody had documented John’s experience. 

Let’s look at five key benefits of effective knowledge management, each serving as a guide to get us out of the chaos maze, saving time and money, and significantly improving the service experience.

The continuity chronicle

Knowledge transfer isn’t just for when a team member moves on. Indeed, you’ll save countless hours not having to play detective with a former employee’s cryptic code, but what about holidays, sick days, or when specialists are in back-to-back meetings? Knowledge management can be the user manual ensuring business as usual, even when key players are unavailable.

The time travel advantage

Remember how the last system upgrade took ages because the team was learning as they went? With knowledge management, you don’t need a DeLorean to travel back in time. Recalling previous upgrade protocols can slash the learning curve and project timeline dramatically. 

The customer service champion

Imagine a frantic client calls about a lost file. With knowledge management, the support team can search the database, find a similar past issue, and restore it in minutes. The client is thrilled, your team shines, and your coffee is still warm. That’s the power of knowledge management in elevating the customer experience.

The innovation incubator

Innovation isn’t just about ideas; it’s about effective execution. By documenting the what, how, and why of past failures and successes, teams avoid past pitfalls and build upon previous achievements, freeing up resources to pioneer new solutions to new issues instead of repeatedly retracing old steps.

The risk mitigation maestro

Say a misconfiguration caused a system downtime last month. Without knowledge management, a team member could unknowingly repeat the same mistake. But, with an updated knowledge management system, this risk is significantly reduced or, ideally, removed. 

Sounds fantastic. But how does it translate into actual savings?

Well, consider this – Gartner estimates that a well-implemented knowledge management system can reduce information search time by up to 75%. Let’s say your IT team of 10 spends 20 hours a week on information search and troubleshooting. That’s 800+ hours a month. A 75% reduction means 600+ hours saved. Time that can be redirected to critical projects. If we conservatively estimate the hourly cost at £50, that’s a whopping £30,000 monthly saving, every month.

As for service experience, Aberdeen Group states that companies with a formalised knowledge management initiative achieve an 85% greater customer retention rate. Happy customers equate to repeat business, positive reviews, and referrals – invaluable gains in today’s digital marketplace. 

So, IT comrades, it’s high time we embraced knowledge management – not as a buzzword but as a trigger for efficiency, innovation, and growth. Yes, it demands an initial investment of time and effort. But once in place, knowledge management is the gift that keeps giving. From seamless continuity to stellar customer service, from nurturing innovation to mitigating risk – the realm of knowledge management benefits is boundless. 

Turn those battle cries into victory roars with the power of knowledge management.

Can GWIT help you develop this secret weapon in your IT team and realise its benefits?